Core strengthening is not just for adults; children need core strengthening as well. Core strength in children can help them participate better in school, sports, group activities and improve motor developmental skills (e.g. jumping, running, handwriting, balance, sitting upright in a chair). It's important to make exercises fun for children as play is the work of a child!
The core is right at the center and controls how the rest of the body works. As a child's core get strong, their arms and legs get strong as well.
The following are some of our favorite animal walks. Animal walks are great for children to improve their core strength, endurance, balance, coordination, and motor planning!
Print out the pictures of the animals below in color, laminate them, cut them into cards, and have your child perform each animal walk! To make it more fun, do the walks with your child or have siblings/peers do the walks with your child inside the house or in your backyard.
1) Hop like a bunny
Jump repeatedly with feet together
Hands held up like bunny paws

2) Bird walk
Walk on tip-toes with hands out to the side and flap arms up/down like a bird

3) Waddle like a penguin
Arms at the sides with palms facing out
Walk on heels with toes up, taking short rapid steps

4) Flamingo
Encourage standing steadily on one foot with hands on hips
Have a contest to see who can hold the position longest

5) Bear Walk
Walk forward with both hands and both feet on the floor

6) Frog Jumps
Start in a full squatting position with hands on the floor
Jump up and forward; land with both feet together

7) Crab Walks
Sit down with feet on floor and hands behind trunk
Lift & keep bottom off the floor while moving forward feet first
Try backwards, too!

8) Donkey Kicks
Start standing and place hands solidly on the floor
Kick both legs up high then land them on the ground (modify by lifting one leg up at a time)

9) Inchworm Walks
Walk on hands & feet
When feet move, hands are still and vice versa
Head up and eyes forward
Bottom should move up and down

10) Snake Crawl
Lie on belly and crawl forward using arms and legs

Click below and check out these movement cards that can be printed and laminated for more fun!
The content in this blog should not be used in place of medical advice/treatment and is solely for informational purposes. All activities/exercises posted in this blog should be performed with adult supervision, caution, and at your own risk. Big Leaps, LLC is not responsible for any injury while performing an activity/exercise that has been posted on this blog. If you have any information on the content of our blog, feel free to contact us at